is a story.
This is a story written
with a pinch of opium in one’s mouth. Therefore it needs not be taken seriously
by any one if they choose to do so.
There was a family
consisting of a man, a woman and one whom they considered as the apple of their
eyes. The family doted on the apple of the eye, fed, reared and nurtured to be
proactive, productive in the little society, which they assumed, was their
world. The apple had its own idea. It was interested in having its own life,
fed, reared and nurtured in the society, in an environment which the apple
considered to clean and creative, proactive and productive, where milk was
plenty therefore no one needed to have a cow in the household, where food was
packaged in plenty therefore no one needed to cook, where the beds were soft
and available on hire, therefore no one needed to own a bed. The apple of the
eye could do and had all these since it was now ripe and needed no more the
tree that had fed, reared and nurtured to be proactive, productive in the society.
The tree was growing
old, had become old, with its own pleasures which for which it had strived and
slogged but felt pains not finding the apple of the eye was not willing to
spills its own seeds and create more apples in abundance, preferred to be packed
in attractive boxes and stored on the shelves of the mega-mall in spotlessly
clean and air-conditioned friendly and
pleasant environment. Therefore the apple of the eye remained in the land of
milk and honey, safe and sound, while tree remained grooved to the grounds in
the dirty unclean surroundings.
But the tree had now
growing old, had become old, deteriorating and decaying with its own aches and
anguish, with none near to support its branches now grown old, none near to
feed, rear and nurture to be healthy.
The apple of the eye safe and sound on the shelves of the mega-mall in
spotlessly clean and air-conditioned
friendly and pleasant environment had no time to spoil hands in dirtying
in the grounds in the dirty unclean surroundings, therefore pleaded patience,
because in the land of milk and honey the apples do not bother about the trees
as they do with the packaging industry, often neither knowing nor aware, nor
ever bothering to find the tree from which it was sourced. Therefore, the apple of the eye advised the
tree from which it was sourced that in the land of milk and honey people do not
grumble or grudge, they do not create concern or panic, hype or fluster but
struggle with their destiny, shuffling their feet and steadying their gait, patiently
persevering and praying for providence.
Thus the life in the
land of milk and honey is lived. Thus the life is to be lived. The old world is
dead, the new world has arisen, Let the old lay dead, let the new celebrate the
living. Is this the rise of the NEW BEGINNING or the death of the OLD WORLD?
God may know, or DOES HE KNOW?
From one grateful parents graced by the
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