Wednesday 4 September 2013


When I read many reactions of the people seeing the destruction at Kedarnath, I remember the story which I used to hear about a missionary who used to hold in his hands to idols one of Krishna made of Stone and another of Jesus to convince illiterate pagans in Indian country side the superiority of Christian  God over Hindu God. He will throw both the idols in river Mandovi and pontificallay declare that Christian god is superior because hen thrown in a river he comes up floating in the water, but Hindu God sinks, not being able to save himself.

That was about eighty years back when I was but a child but I am surprised modern intellectuals even now say with a smirk on their face, that Shiva god of destruction could not save himself from destruction caused y Nature. While blind believers say that even when everything was destroyed Shiva stood tall and even Nandi did not budge from its place. If there was destruction it was caused by Shiva himself, furious at the mindless interference and destruction of nature, Prakriti which is the female counter part of the male energy which Shiva represents.

This simple explanation will not be accepted by one who has closed his eyes and shut the doors of his heart. For such one any number of arguments will be acceptable and no amount of evidence will be convincing. No one can  convince one who has closed his mind and heart.  In a mind that is barren nothing sprouts, in a mind that is not responsive, no flowers will ever bloom.

The Supreme Being is verily the Supreme Existence, for which the word used is Satya, derived from Sankrit root as, to be, to exist, therefore Satya, the Prime Existence.  Prakriti is the energy which dwells within the Supreme Existence, which manifests as Nature. Rta is the divine Will that exists as the Cosmic Law that regulates the cosmos or  in the modern terminology, the ecological balance in the universe. Dharma constitute the  principles which govern this ecological balance. The word  Dharma is derived from the root Dhru, to uphold. 

When the principles of Dharma are violated, the Rta, the ecological balance becomes disturbed in Nature and Prakriti, symbolised by the female counter part Goddess Shakti of the male energy of therime Existence, sets right the ecological balance by punishing the intrhansiencent. The earthquakes, typhoons, storms and  floods are the visible form of punishments, demoralisation, pain and Sufferring, death and degradation, punishment is meted with no compassion, no mercy. Supereficially, the innocent ones seem to suffer but no one knows for what acts, Karma, they are hurt but deep down punishment is reserved for every one, whethoer they are aware or not. For the wise ones there is need to be cautious for they know not their earlier Karmas, but they could be conscious of their future Karmas.

Faithful people believe that the statues of goddess Dhari Devi, who is one of the manifestation of Shakti were removed from the original place to make way for human need. Nature is Prakriti, Prakriti is Parvati. When Nature is violated, Prakriti,  Parvati cannot rest in peace, it becomes furious and aggressive destroying every that exists, in violation of Rta, the ecological balance and  Dharma, the principles which are laid. Therefore, Nature caused destruction, Shiva stood still and aloof silent stupefied at the fury of Prakriti.

None, no one will be allowed to step foot on the land which is the centre of Divine Energy, Power, till the fury of the goddess becomes       Calm. Mother cannot remain angry for long. For her children she will soon bring bounties. 

Till then let the politicians fight with each other, deciding with arrogance who shall build the temple. It is the Goddess who will decide. If she wishes she will restore the natural beauty, for she has seen the rot which the greedy and arrogant man have contributed. 

It is good that the pilgrimages (?) to the holy land will cease for some time. That period is sufficient for Prakriti to becomes proactive.

That is the explanation for the death and destruction.


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