Wednesday 4 September 2013

Conceal the Glare to reveal the Light.

There is a beautiful prayer in upanishad which is addressed to Pushan, which reads as under :

The face of Satya, the Prime Existence, is covered with a golden disc, uncover it O Pushan, so that I who love Satya desire to see  the auspicious face. O Pushan, the sole seer, the Sun, off spring of the Prajapati's, spread your  rays and gather their resplendence,  for I desire to see your auspicious face. 

Pushan verily is the Supreme Lord, Prakriti verily is the the golden disc.

From beginning, from time immemorial Prakriti has with her ever new - nitya nutana,  resplendence has ever been able to show the auspicious face of Satya, the Prime Existence. Therefore, there was close relationship between the divinities and the created things and objects, the divinities were seen taking part in the  sacrifices performed by  human beings and receiving the share of oblations as entitled. But the time changes, the organs of action becomes tainted by the influence of senses. And the perception becomes affected and one ceases to see what the Prakriti desires to display, what the Prakriti has till that time has successfully displayed.

When Prakriti stopped revelling her ever new ever vibrant face of the divinities, the human being took over to replicate what Prakriti has stopped displaying. What the human beings have created though bright and attractive have short life, they decay, degenerate, deteriorate and are destroyed. But human being cannot reveal the ever new and ever fresh creativity which  Prakriti can offer, for human beings have skill and ingenuity that can create seemingly new  things but are repetitive with dead grossness, not the things which are intrinsically subtle, fresh and satisfying. Human beings communicate information which the consider Knowledge, Prakriti provides experience, which is Wisdom, whereupon the unseen becomes seen, unheard becomes heard, unthought becomes thought. 

The rays are the Cause,  the Knowledge: the resplendence is the effect, the Wisdom. The rays, Knowledge needs to be spread and the resplendence, the Wisdom needs to be gathered. But Prakriti has ceased to be effective in displaying Wisdom, the divine resplendence because the humans have taken what Prakriti was assigned to perform. Man has taken over what was intended to be done by Prakriti. Electricity has replaced the Prakritic energy, the artificial light has been replaced by the artificial light generated by electricity. Darkness has been eliminated and Light is  illumined by human ingenuity. You need no more rains to fall, streams to flow. Water is brought from stored reservoirs, and stream are allowed to flow from canals. Everything that the man creates is useful to gratification of the senses ; every thing that Prakriti creates is beneficial  for the satisfaction of the soul.

If what has been given by man is not tempered by what has been provided by Prakriti, what use is of the Knowledge acquired if does make on wise in Wisdom? What is the use of the information stored on the Internet if one does not know what one has to source to be wise in Wisdom? What is the use of the Gun if one has the information, Knowledge to use it but not Wisdom when and where to use it? Knowledge is that which makes one to be proud of being Knowledgeable. Wisdom is that which makes one humble being wise in Wisdom, like a tree which bends in humility with fruits full and in abundance, for which it claims neither ownership nor personal achievement. 

Wisdom is hidden behind glare of the Brilliant rays of scientifically and technological advancement. Attraction of the material benefits provided has hidden the  dangers lurking by the way side.  Sweet smelling shrub has concealed the poisonous serpent. When ignorant one's revel in the external attractions the wise one rue the the rot that destroys the soul from within. 

Therefore the prayer to Pushan to conceal the attractive external rays so the the human being being can see the auspicious face of Satya, the Prime Existence as it exists.

How many will understand the abiding Truth of the things ordained by the Supreme Being and be satisfied and happing being wise in Wisdom ant not be blinded by the glare of the seemingly attractive bounties provided by human beings seeking pleasure and find neither happiness nor satisfaction?


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