Wednesday 4 September 2013

Just because you do not eat a lion does not mean a lion should not eat you.

Life is not unfair because one thinks so. Life is fair giving one what one needs to be given as result of the actions performed. Life is natural and knows what it is doing with neither fear or favour. They say what you sow that you reap. Therefore they say do good things unto others so that irrespective of what others do, one will receive good things in return from source which not know and therefore ne cannot connects s direct consequence.

In life there is direct and immediate connection for actions performed and consequence received s compensation. Life sums up the total of the actions performed and consequences recieved. One may receive wealth and possessions but life may deny him wel-being and progeny to enjoy it. One may be denied wealth and possessions but may recieve wel-being and progeny in abundance. Therefore in life on sees evil people seemingly prosperous and happy and sees good people seemingly poor and unhappy. But few people have eyes to see and ears to listen the dissatisfied worries and woes of the seemingly prosperous with wealth and possessions or the satisfaction and contentment of the ones with less wealthand posssessions.

Therefore do not despair when misfortune falls. Perhaps it is a warning that one is on wrong Path and e needs to change his direction. Do not become elated when fortune falls on you. Perhaps. It is a caution that one needs to conserve what one can, preserve what is possible. Providence provides Intellegence to be discriminative in pain and pleasure, when to prey and to acknowledge. But human beings are slaves to senses and refer to ride on the roller coaster of egoistic self-belief vr looking that there is Providence above to supervise and pass judgements were needed.

The theory of Karma is unassailable whether on physical grounds or on spiritual grounds. The Effect is as sure and certain as the Cause as. make no mistake. Not the BIG BROTHER but the kind, compassionate, just Father is supervising, guiding, cautioning, warning and where necessary be strict and stern in his conclusions, impassioned and unattached with judgement


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