Nagesh D, Sonde
Before I say Good
Bye and God be With You I want to
the Supreme Being who as the indweller in my heart
spurred me
in all my Life, the Gurus who either through words
spoken or written guided me and many of my well-wishers who encouraged me
in doing what I have done in my life.
remainder of soap and the tooth paste.
we were children we were often told that the cake of the soap or the tube of
the toothpaste should not be squeezed till the soap or the paste diapers from
sight. This was alright when the child is expected to have more cakes of soap
or tubes of toothpaste in his long expected duration of life. This was alright when
the youth in zest and bravado thinks that
he can afford to buy new cakes and tubes tooth replace the old,
throwing them with gay abandon. But as age catches up and one has faces the
alternatives in life, one comes to reflect and choose, considering it wise to
use as much as is available and not waste what is left. This belief catches
strength and becomes a conviction when the life is ebbing and deaths death
steps are seen fast approaching.
the one looks back and observes the steps which are traversed, the lengthening
shadows that are cast on the long Path traversed. Then the one recollects and
remembers all those missed opportunities and wasted moments and things unintelligibly
used used. Then he starts preserving the last piece of cake and of the tube,
squeezing whatever is left therein. Too much reading in younger days seem to
have given me a vivid imagination and mind full of dreams. Even as I was planning
to achieve the things which I had dreamed, I was realizing the simplicity and childlike
innocence of the dreams and the futility of youthful arrogance as I grew up.
And as came closer in age to the sixty years of my life and my active professional
occupation were coming to its logical end, I realized the wisdom of keeping a
small cake of soap and used tube of tooth paste on my table to look and reflect
on the little things and time left for me do all those things that were still
left undone in this life, and yet there was little that is still left in the
cake and the tube.
earlier reading was my passion and writing was my hobby from the age little
earlier than when I reached sixty years of my age, I decided transform and from
then onward life writing became my passion and reading became a hobby. I
reflected on what I had read and decided to put in writing what my reflection
responded keeping an eye on my age and the remaining piece of the cake and
remaining paste in the tube.
Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita as well Zen,
Bible and Koran have been defining guidelines for me in my studies.
“janaM ibaBa`it bahuQaa
ivavaacasaM naanaaQamaa-NaM pRiqavaI yaqaaOksama\ | sahasa`Qaara d`ivaNasya mao
duhaM Qa`u`vaova Qaonaur\ AnapsfurntI ||” - the world is
inhabited by many people, following many religious practices, speaking many
“Aanaao Bad`a: k`tvaao yantu ivaSvat: |”. Let the thoughts
come from all sides.
“! pUNa-mad: pUNa-imadM
pUNaa-t\ pUNa-maudcyato |
pUNa-maadaya pUNa-maovaavaiSaYyato ||” - That is Whole, This is Whole. From
the Whole, the Whole evolves. Having evolved the Whole from the Whole, the
Whole verily remains Whole.
t(-vyaakRtmaasaIt … sa eYa [h p`ivaYT Aa naKaga`oBya: …
na pSyaint | AkR%snaao ih sa:, p`aNannaova
p`aNaao naama Bavait, vadna\ vaak\, pSyaMScaxau:, SauBvana\
Eaao~ma\, manvaanaao
mana:; tanyasyaOtaina
kma-naamaanyaova | …
sava-sya yadyamaa%maa,
Anaona (ot%savMa- vaod | yaqaa h vaO
pdonaanauivandodovama\, kIit-M SlaaokM ivandto ya evaM vaod ||”
Then, this was unmanifest… He
entered here even to the tip of fingures, as it were … Him they see not. When breathing he is called
the Prime Breath, when speaking Vak, when seeing the Eye, when hearing the Ear, when thinking the Mind… The Self is to be meditated upon the whole, for there he is complete.
These are all the foot-prints of his who is this Self, and by it the Self, one knows all this, just as one finds
(the cow) by its foot prints. He who knows this finds prominence and praise.
“eYa to Aa%maa savaa-ntr: |… ya p`aNaona p`aiNait sa to
Aa%maa savaa-ntr: | yaao|panaonaapainait to Aa%maa
savaa-ntr: | yaao vyaanaona vyaainait to
Aa%maa savaa-ntr: |
]danaonaaodainait to Aa%maa savaa-ntr: | eYa to Aa%maa savaa-ntr: |” -This is the Self, which is all beings… that which breathes in when you breathe in, is that Self within all
beings, that which breathes out when you breathe out, is that Self within all
beings, that which breathes about when you breathe about, is that Self within
all beings, that which breathes up when you breathe up, is that Self within all
beings. The self within al beings.
“na dRYTd`-YTarM pSyao: | na Eauto: EaaotarM EauNayaa: | na matoma-ntarM mainvaqaa: | na iva&atoiva-&atrM
ivajaanaIyaa: | eYa to Aa%maa savaa-ntr: | Atao|nyadat-ma\ |” - You cannot see the seer who sees, you cannot
listen the listener who listens, you cannot think of the thinker who thinks,
you cannot understand the one who understands. He is the Self which is within
all beings. Everything all else is irrelevant.
“td\ vaa etdxarM gaaiga- AdRYTM
d`YTR AEautM EaaotR AmatM mantR Aiva&atM iva&atR naanyadao|ist d`YTR
naanyadao|ist EaaotR naanyadao|ist mantR naanyadao|ist iva&atR | etismana\ Klau Axaro gaaiga-
AkaaSa AaotSca p1aotScaoit |” - Verily that imperishable, O Gargi, is unseeable but is the seer, is
unhearable but the hearer, unthinkable but one who thinks, unknowable but one who knows. There is no other seer, no
other hearer, no other hearer, no other thinker, no other knower than this. By
this imperishable is all this space woven like warp and woof.
“! [-SaavaasyaimadM savMa-
yai%kHca jaga%yaaM jagat\ | tona %ya>ona BauMjaIqaa: maa gaRQa: kasyaisvad\ Qanama\ ||” - All this, whatever exists in the primordial
world, is permeated by the Supreme Lord. (Therefore) accepting whatever is
ordained by Him, enjoy. Covet not wealth which is ordained for others.
“! Aqa yaidmaismana\ ba`*mapuro dhrM puNDrIkM vaoSma |
| tismana\ yadnt:
tdnvaoYTvyaM | tWava ivaija&aisatvyaM [it ||” - Aum! Now here in this city of Brahman is an abode, a small flower,
within which there is a space. What is
within that space should be sought, for that assuredly is what one should
desire to understand.
“kuva-nnaovaoh kmaa-iNa
ijajaIivaYaot\ SatM samaa: | evaM %vaiya naanyaqaotao|ist na kma- ilaPyato naro ||” - Having
performed one’s duties in this manner, one should strive to live for hundred
years. If acted in this manner, there would be no other way to act and in that
event, the (fruits of) actions would attach to the man.
laaokao|yaM kma-banQana: | tsqMa- kma- kaOntoya
mau>sa=ga samaacar ||”
– For and as sacrifice actions should be performed, since in the world by
actions performed otherwise, man is bound by the actions performed.
“p`kRto: ik`yamaaNaaina gauNaO:
kmaa-iNa sava-Sa: | Ah=karivamaUZa%maa kta-himait
manyato ||
… mayaovaOta
inahta: pUva-maova ima<amaa~M Bava savyasaaicana\ ||” - By me are already slain these, be you, verily,
the consequential instrument.
From sixty to
eighty three years of my age, 23 books in English
and 13 books in Konkani came to be written
with whatever energy I had. All my books are the result of my study of
religious scriptures understood and experienced and are not intended to teach
others. If the books as they were written have helped me. I they also help
others, so much the better. If they do not, I have no problem. That is why I
have not ventured the books for sale but have allowed them to be downloaded
freely from my website : http//
Books written by Nagesh D. Sonde
in original translated in English :
on Web site :http/ for free download.)
(Mundaka) Upanishad
Taittiriya Upanishad
Atanyak Upanishad
Gita Bhashya and Tatparys Nirnaya
Books :
Atharvasheersha with Commentary
Gita – A Remenrancer
Other Books :
In Konkani
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