Wednesday 4 September 2013


Life is a mystery enclosed  in an enigma. We claim to be the Nation where religious people believe in  the theory of Karma and secular people in scientific law of Cause and Effect, yet there is no reasonable thinking nor any rational  action  in our response. Though we never grudge or  complain when good things happen to us and always grumble and grieve when bad things happen to us, we rarely reflect why we're given good things and made suffer bad things. 

The scriptures if we are receptive, seers and saints if we respond to their words tell us that the Supreme Being, is impartial, has no favourites to choose one from the others. He guides those who are on righteous Path guarding them from unrighteousness diversions,  gracing them with possessions and pleasures, giving them favours and fortunes. He punishes those who are on unrighteousness Paths with suffering and sorrow, taking away their good possessions and pleasures, to point out and remind them that they are on erroneous by lanes. They need to be aware of their errors and conscious of the righteous course to be perused.

Knowledge of our errors opens the gate to glory of Wisdom.  It spurs us to action and leads to perfection.  We pray for things we do not possess, desire to be what we are not.  Let us stop on our track to revisit the deeds done done and the deeds undone, to think and reflect on the things to be done and the thing to be undone. Let our prayers to the Supreme Being be not for asking things but for acknowledging and thanking him for what has been ordained.  The sufferings and sorrows are for reminding our errors, the possessions nd pleasures are the rewards given for being on the righteous Path. 

 If there are wants in our life and sufferings too then let reflect and repent for the unrighteous deeds done and pray for strength to stay steadfast in doing righteous deeds.  Surrender not only with outward actions but internally with mind and heart. Then the Supreme Being will surely extend his thousand hands and grace with gifts which our two hands can scarcely hold.


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