Wednesday 4 September 2013


Pralhad considered to be the greatest of the devotees, not merely because he was inclined to be the devotee of Vishnu but because  in spite of the family in which he was born and the atmosphere which surrounded him he remained detached from the evil influences being guided by noble values and pure intention to walk the viruous and pure Path to Perefection. 

This fact bewilders us not only those far removed from the time he existed in flesh and blood, but also did place in confusion the people of his times. During one of the congregation of the noble souls, where the wandering minstrel, Narada was present, the question was again asked how is it that though born in a family to an  unenlightened Asura he was inclined to become a devotee of one who symbolises enlightened Wisdom? 

Narada replied that though one is born in an unenlightened surroundings if he is born with pure, noble attributes and inclination, then his progress and evolution can be guided in pure, noble influence in an atmosphere in which he comes to be nurtured and his consciousness is promoted. This eternal truth is sadly over looked in modern world.

When Prahlad was not yet born but was still in his mother's womb, his father, Hiranyakashipu had gone to Kailas for performing intense austerities, during which time his mother stayed in a heritage of Sage Kashyap. The surrounding atmosphere of the hermitage was pure and auspicious and Prahlad was born and spent his early childhood amidst enlightened sages and saintly souls. That is the reason be turned out to be a devotee of luminous Sri Vishnu, the symbol of enlightened Wisdom even though he was born to an Asura who the very symbol of unenlightened obscurity.

Prahlad as the devotee of Vishnu was the ideal and example of those wise in enlightened Wisdom, therefore ever engaged in devotion toVishnu, in sorrow and happiness, in pain or pleasure, ever unattached to every thing that is unrighteous, ever attached to everything that is pure and righteous.   For such one the Supreme Being alone is the refuge and the protector, guiding on the right Path and protecting from the perilous Path.  Therefore, Prahlad ever remained happy and in Bliss, spreading sweet fragrance all around, whereas his father ever remained in sorrow, being unenlightened and his mind unenlightened and obscure.

Time passes waiting for no one. Even as the Asura's displeasure and anger increased Prahlad's Bliss and devotion became firmly established. The fight was between unequals, but the one who is ruled by the fury and fire of anger, the sight is not clear and therefore perception. He sees enemies everywhere and friends nowhere. He sees danger, fighting every battle and swinging his sword to strike every one seeing in everyone and every thing the enemy.  And when he is told that luminous Light as Righteousness is every where pervading and enveloping every thing he strikes blindly every thing he sees, till the Luminous Light of Vishnu comes down from the least expected place and strikes him to be defeat  and destroy the source of obscurity.

What follows thereafter was more important and significant than what was earlier though  that was no less important. Because what follows are pearls of the diamonds perfected Wisdom. What has lapsed was the dark and deep ocean where the lay concealed. 

The obscurity is destroyed, ignorance is removed. At the first instance when the light shines, eyes blink and what one sees confuses, frightens of the uncertainty and the strange spectacle  stares before our eyes and no matter how enlightened one he is, he is incapable of seeing clearly amidst the strong rays. When Lord was still furious of the the Asura and looks down with frown, the assembled frightened people were  incapable to lift their eyes and see the face of the Lord. Neither Brahma, nor Shiva, not even Lakshmi came forward to speak to the Lord.  In such moments who else but the devotee, who could approach, being already immersed in the Bliss of Beatitude, having neither any  desires nor any fear of being disappointed, could assuage the fury of the ferocious Lord?

Seeing none coming forward and even as the Lord was roaring with anger Prahlad, who always enjoyed the love of his mother and the affection of his companions, the pride of his father and admiration of the assembled divinities, approached the Supreme Lord even as he was struck with wonder, seeing the unimaginable fury which he could not conceive in one whom he for him was  ever kind and compassionate. He was surprised to see the fury hand anger which he accepted with all wisdom, as he revelled in the Bliss, being in the proximity of the Lord. No words came from his mouth as he looked to the Lord with admiration. 

And then even as the Sun shines when the clouds pass over in the sky, as soon the Lord saw his favorite disciple standing before him speechless, the fury on his face disappeared and A smile full of love and compassion appeared there. Even as divinities stood perplexed and dazed, the Lord lifted Prahlad gently and placed him on his own lap. Then caressing his face  and showering on him divine Grace asked him lovingly, "Tell me what shall I give you?". 

Any one else would have asked many things, since every one many known or unknown desires to be fulfilled, but not Prahlad. He had no desires, all his desires were fulfilled. Even his most desirable and desired wish is now fulfilled seeing the Lord in person amidst his entire retinue of divinities gathered around him. One who has no desires, whose all desires are fulfilled, whose desire is be free from all desires, his desire is to see the unfulfilled desires  of people suffering  in samsara fulfilled.

 Therefore he said to the Supreme Being who had everything that could be given, "Lord, do not tempt me, born as I am in an unenlightened Asura family. I need nothing, not even the pleasures of heavens nor the liberty  of being liberated. If at all you want to give some thing then let it be succour to the Sufferring masses, and for myself let there be solace in Your presence". Since then he has been fulfilling desires of all and every one.

It is no surprise that in the present time where people have desires than one needs, flock at the feet of Sri Raghvendra Swamiji  of Matralayam, one known as Prahlad  reborn to give solace to the Sufferring  masses. But do we accept him as redeemer of our desires or being greedy to have temporal gifts seek more,  overlook ing the spiritual Grace which he is immensely possessed with without asking spiritual Wisdom which he as rewarder of bounties can bestow just by asking ! 


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