Wednesday 4 September 2013


Recently on the National Geographic Channel I witnessed a documentary which displayed beautifully in the grandeur of the KumbhabMela with all the colours and sounds which would mesmerise one. The documentary was anchored by a western journalist who was undoubtedly enthralled by the confusing and mystified with various facets which  Hinduism in practice displays. 

True to every western journalist who need some thing to titillate for selling their product to the viewers, he showed many mercenary sadhus showing their physical exercises which in west go by the name of yogic practice.  Among such sadhus one showed his power to lift a stone weighing 5 kilos with a string tied to his penis.  When I expressed slight displeasure I was shown by one of my friends who was more western than even the westerners two Videos which displayed two other such acts. 

My friend who lived in clean secular enviournmeant of the west, far away from the pernicious influence of Hindu orthodoxy and sectarian rites and rituals, and ever far distanced from the Mystical Wisdom of the Vedas, was contemptuous of Hindu Philosophy and Indian culture  which accoding to him is overpowered by ignorant masses and corruption of the devilish swamis  and gurus. I did not say much because for one who is under delusion and thinks himself to be wise and knowledgeable needsno words of wisdom except waste them.  

But that set me to think about this strange events. And what came to my mind I am putting it down here. I may be wrong,  but these are my responses, which one need not accept, but I would wish some would read what I have to say. I will write as simple as it is possible.

The extra-ordinary physical feats performed by Sadhus are not strange and are performed in different parts of the world as well, some to titillate and some others under the misguided belief that what he does is spiritual  achievement.  Therefore, it is not spiritual sourced from scriptures but merely physical demonstration to impress simple gullible folk. Therefore, it means nothing but wastage of one's energy.  

There nothing spiritual in such feat though the capacity come with perfection of the physical organs used  as instruments  available to every human being for temporal perfection and spiritual evolution.  It is left to the individual's sense of discrimination to use the capacity for physical perfection or for one's spiritual evolution. The performance of the act is not important, the purpose for which the the performance is fulfilled. Therefore, one needs to think and reflect on the purpose for such performance. 

If the purpose is spiritual  then such  display does not bring deliverance as contemplated in scriptures. If the purpose is to titillate the onlookers the purpose is partly served and the sadhu gets some compensation in return or some money thrown at him. 

All religions consider sex as a powerful source of immense energy, which if used properly delivers one from the infirmities of the body and the empirical world leading to liberation of the individual soul and attainment of the Supreme Soul. If used unwisely it would lead to a life of dissipation, decay and deterioration and final destruction.

Supreme Being cannot be seen with the physical eye but requires spiritual eye.  Liberation cannot be attained through empirical attainments. Spiritual insight needs prfect penance and intense austerity, further strengthen by divine grace, as Krishna told Arjuna. 

The spiritual sight is available when one makes the powerful energy, known as Kundalini posited in the body rise step by step, stage by stage till it reaches the pinnacle where every perception becomes pure and every heart become pure for the Supreme Being to dwell therein making the Path to deliverance clear and assured. 

The powerful energy exists in the space between the anus and the generative organ, and is known as Kundalini. It is said that this energy always remains as coiled serpent, which needs to be aroused. When aroused it passes through the six centres in the spinal chord of the body, clearing the Path and empowering each centre till it reaches the  crown of the head when the energy releases the soul from the shackles which organs of senses bind the organs from the effects of the actions performed. Then freed from the bondage the body even while living in the body the Person experiences the state Bliss, spending the rest of his life performing actions which he is ordained to perform, as and by way sacrifice in fulfilment of Divine Will and Divine Purpose.  

When Kundalini rises it stabilises first at the stage which is sex organ and then his entire attention becomes concentrated on sex and activities relating to sex. He performs actions and attains endowments that stage brings. 

The next stage is the navel. At this stage the person is more interested in food than in sex.

When Kundalini rises to the next level which is heart, then person is more interested  in emotions  creating though emotion, imagination, thoughts and concepts a world through which  he experiences the divine presence.  

When Kundalini reaches the throat, then his voice becomes cleansed and clear. His speech becomes clear,  words flow as divine song, experiences divine pleasure and presence.

 When Kundalini reaches the forehead, then he sees the divine forms,  each one more attractive than the other. It is said majority of seeker stop at this stage, not venturing further. It is said that Ramakrishna Paramahamsa desired to stop at the level.

But Totapuri a sadhu well versed in the science of Kundalini,  broke the shell of Ramakrishna's forehead when he was in Samadhi and allowed the Kundalini to reach the topmost level known as Brahmarandhra, where Satya, the Prime Existence, designated as the all-ervading, the all-enveloping Supreme Being dwells. Thus Sri Ramakrishna became Paramahamsa, the divine Swan revelling in Manasa Sarovar of Bliss of Brahman, even when he lived in his gross body.

(This is not a strictly a scientific explanation nor based on any Yoga manual or has any spiritual base. This is one simple expression which for the eager one may become the opportunity to catch hold of the hem to go in search of the enitre Wisdom of Kundalini and for other skeptics a source of delirious rambling, not to be taken seriously).


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