Wednesday 4 September 2013

The great fall of he Rupee

When we were children before the world war II had even started, I remember my father telling us about the value of the Rupee, which  has gone down sliding since the time when he himself was a child. We children who used to think ourselves wiser than our father was, because we had more material goods to divert our mind than he had, used to look at each and smile.  He used to tell us he pays Income tax on his income which had just crossed Rs Ten Thousand, we could not but wonder how rich he was. 

Now the time has changed. Now when I tell my grandson the decline in the value of the Rupee, he consoles me that it is global phenomenon. When I told them that I could live in a posh locality with a salary of Rs 300 /- per month, he would look at me as if I have lost my mind,  because even our maid servant earns more than Rs 3000 and considers herself to be poor. When my father was worried about paying Income tax on the Annual Income of Rs 10,000/-our maid servant does not have to bother even if her income crosses more than Rs 1,00,000.

Yes the value of the Rupee has fallen, so have  the moral values and ethical standards but the present generation does not seem to realise or concerned. 

Yes, morals fallen, families are broken, relationship is strained, loyalty is not known, compassion is doubtful, even earlier sufferings seem bearable, pleasures of the future casting frightening shadows. There was great understanding earlier, now there is absence of acceptance of other views and opinions, confrontation replacing commonality of communication.

Yes the Rupee has fallen in value, so have the moral values and ethical standards. 

Selfish attachment to the external objects of desire has taken over attraction to the Self within. Who has seen the future or the next life? Live in the present which is seen and felt by senses. Money and possessions are gathered not for happiness but for satisfaction of the ego. We  value now our riches, not our happiness.  We hope to be protected by our politicians not by the Providence. We value our bank balance not the ecological balance. We value the gain from the misery of others not their pain and Sufferring.

Yes the Rupee has fallen in value, so have the moral values and ethical standards.

Therefore ministers are not worried because the more the value of the Rupee falls, the larger becomes their possession of dollors and pounds, the number of Rupees they can claim to possess increasing many fold. 

How long, how long my Lord!  Has not unrighteousness increased sufficiently, has not righteous ones suffered adequately! When will you come to destroy the unrighteousness and protect the righteous ones, establishing righteousness amidst gloom and obscurity ?


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