Wednesday 2 July 2014

In life when one feels something has become decayed, deteriorated, old and useless and therefore is not useful to have any more, he decides to reject and give that thing away. But while he thinks every thing else as alien to his self, therefore dispensable, it is strange that he is not agreeable to reject and give his body away.
That is because a Person accepts every thing else as distinct from his self but does not think that his self is different and his body is different but thinks and believes that his body is his self.

But our scriptures do not agree with this view and in Gita, Krishna specifically points out that while self is immortal, the body is mortal, subject to pain and pleasures, deterioration, decay and destruction. Therefore, even one discards old clothes and wears new ones, the self discards the old body and acquires a new one.

Strangely while we believe and accept Krishna to be Supreme Lord himself we do not see any reason to have faith in what he says and recommends. We would rather prefer to cling to our deceased, decayed, deteriorated body than accept Krishna's sage and considered words of advise.

Strange are the ways of human mind; it believes what it wants to believe and rejects what is not palatable to believe. That is the tragedy of human beings, influenced by senses and not my intelligence.


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