Wednesday 25 June 2014

STRESS Managment
 I read somewhere the following, which I have abridged and re-presenting the same for easy understanding.

A man of Wisdom one speaking about stress management raised a glass of water and asked about the weight of water filled glass.
Even as he was replied that the water filled glass weighed from 8 oz. to 20 oz, the man of Wisdom said: "The absolute weight depends on how long one holds the glass of Water. If it is held for a minute, there would be no problem. If it is held for an hour, the arm may have an ache. If is held for a day, one will have to call an ambulance. In each case, the weight is same, but the longer one holds it, the heavier it becomes. It is same with stress. If one is stressed for a longer period, sooner or later, the burden becomes increasingly heavy and one won't be able to carry on for long".

"As the glass of water is put down, one feels slightly at ease. Therefore, one should rest before holding the glass of water again.  When one is refreshed, one can carry on with the burden a little longer. It is same with  stress. One should rest putting down stress from one's mind. Then one will feel better for a longer and extended period of time and better each time one does so.

Therefore, every day when the burden of stress becomes heavy, one should relax, put down the burden for a moment and not carry the same for long. Life is short and it is not given to any one else but to ourselves to be joyous or joyless.

1. Accept the fact that all days are not same. Some are good and some are bad.

2. Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

3. If you can't be kind, at least have the decency not to be rude.

4. Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because time maycomewhen you will have no leg to stand on.

5. Nobody cares whether you succeed or not; if you want to succeed then try. TRY, TRY as often as you haven to.

6. Never ever accept and rest if everything appears coming your way. Reflect on the Appearance, lest you may be in the wrong lane. Some mistakes may appear to be funny, but mistakes when committed often can never be funny.

7.  A truly happy person is one who can see the scenery across the heap of garbage.

8. Life is beautiful, if we know what to see, where to see, when to see and when to see. Therefore, enjoy the blessings ordained for you in life as Divine Dispensation, without coveting what has been ordained for others that is given to you, thus do the Upanishads say-"ईशावास्यं इदं सर्वम् यत् किंच जगत्याम् जगत् । तेन त्यक्तेन ःभुंजीथा मा कस्यिस्विद् धनम् ।।".
Then the person would be spoken as the best of among those who have conquered STRESS.


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