Tuesday 8 July 2014


A man is said to have found a cocoon of a butterfly in the form of a caterpillar.

When he observed the caterpillar closely one day a small opening appeared in the cocoon and after several hours there appeared a hole in the cocoon, through which the butterfly appeared to struggle to come out forcibly. When it seemed to stop make any progress in its struggle,
the man decided to help the butterfly. Taking a pair of scissors he snipped off bit of the cocoon.

The butterfly emerged easily from the cocoon with small, shriveled wings but it's body seemed to have become swollen. The man expected the wings would soon be strong to support the body. But the wings did not not appear to become strong and the butterfly spent the rest of its life with shriveled wings, not ever becoming able to fly.

The kindness of the man did not  help the butterfly, having interfered with the way of the divine Intent and Purpose, with the effort and struggle needed for the butterfly to get through the tiny hole in the cocoon forcing fluid from the body to the wings to enable it to fly separated from the cocoon.

Effort and struggles are what one needs in life. If God had allowed us to live our lives without struggles then one would be cripple too in meeting the obstacles in life. We would not be as strong as we could have been left on our own. We would not be be able to live our life as the butter could never be able to fly on its own strength.

There are lessons to be learnt? When the going gets tough, the tough one gets the things going. Neither life is smooth nor is it lived as one desires. Life moves according the divine Intent and Purpose.  Hhardships are there to be surmounted with effort and determination, making stronger to face the challenges in life. Life is constant endeavour overcoming challenges, for only through tough times one become strong.

Nothing in life happens without divine Intent and Purpose. If we do not understand, at least we should not have audacity to question the divine Intent and Purpose, interfering with the events that take place.

There is reason and purpose for the things that happen in our life. Therefore one should neither be remorseful when bad things happen nor  gloat when good things happen, but surrender to the divine Intent and Purpose.

Let the caterpillar be the butterfly on its own as the nature intended it to be, without human beings trying the interfere the natural


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