Tuesday 22 July 2014

Being Alone

There is much difference between being Alone and being Lonely. A person who is Alone is the man of Wisdom with thoughts restrained and mind settled within his own self. A person who is Lonely is the man whose thoughts are unrestrained and the mind unsettled un aware of his self within. A person who is Alone needs no one else to give him company. A person who is Lonely can not remain without having company of others. A person who is Alone is one who having transcended with conscious awareness all that he knows or does not know as Knowledge acquired through the medium of senses, finds peace being Alone being not bound by thoughts in mind is not bound with physical or psychological relationships built and nurtured with other people, having transcended his desires.

Such one, being a man wise in Wisdom, transcends hunger and thirst, sorrow and delusion, old age and death, all the shackles which bind one to संसार, the Primordial World, with no past thoughts or future aspirations to disturb him, wander living Alone the life of a mendicant, having severed all the shackles which bind one to संसार, the Primordial World, with no past thoughts or future aspirations to disturb him. Because the desire for progeny is the desire for wealth, desire for wealth is the desire for fame in the world. "एतं वै तमात्मानं विदित्वा ब्राह्मणा: पुत्रैषणायाश्च वित्चैषणायाश्च लोकैषणायाश्च व्युत्थायाथ भिक्षाचर्यं चरन्ति ।" .

Therefore a man of Wisdom, having known all about learning desires to live like a child, with no past thoughts or future aspirations to disturb him. Transcending both the childlike and Knowing states, he becomes meditative and thinking and reflecting with illumined mind which is resurgent, he becomes the knower of Brahman -"तस्माद् ब्राह्मण: पाण्डित्यं निर्विद्य बाल्येन तिष्ठासेत् । बाल्यं च पांडित्यं च निर्विद्याय मुनि:, अमौनं च मौन निर्विद्याय ब्राह्मण: ।".


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