Friday 25 July 2014

The Supreme Self within.

Yajnyavalkya was the great sage of his times. One day he was a asked, by what luminous light illumined the Person here?
 "किं ज्योतिरयं पुरुष: ... ".  When the sage enumerates the Sun, the Moon, the Fire, the Speech progressively as the light that illumine the Person, the question arose, what happens when Sun, Moon and the Speech become silent -"". Then the Sage conclusively communicates that it is by the Self alone as the luminous light, the Person becomes illumined, energised, resurgent - "अस्तमित आदित्ये ... चन्द्रमस्यस्तमिते ... शान्ते अग्नौ ... शान्तायां वाचि ... आत्मैवास्य ज्योतिर्भवतीति । आत्मनैवायं ज्योतिषास्ते पल्ययते कर्म कुरुदेश विपल्येतीति।।".

In the final analysis nothing is more important for living than the Self within, which as the divine essence is the energy - शक्ति that pervades every gross form, enveloping every part and parcel of that body. The Self is not seen but manifests as the actions performed by the form. Therefore the Self should be perceived from the actions performed, as the lost cow is searched from the foot prints which it leaves behind.  The Self is the consciousness, the Person that exists within the heart as the Breath, assuming the likeness to the form it moves, between the waking state and dream state thinking as it were, shaking as it were, transcending this waolrd of perception to the world of dreams as the form of death - "यों अयं विज्ञानमय: प्राणेषु ह्रद्यन्तज्योति: पुरुष: । सं समान: सन्नुभौ लोकावनुसंचरति ध्यायतीव लेलायतीव सं हि स्वप्नो भूत्वेमं लोकमतिक्रामति म्रत्यो रूपाणि ।।"


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