Saturday 16 August 2014

The question often asked is why million and billion amount of money is spent on building temples,  churches and mosques, when the money spent could have been used for feeding million and million hungry people all over the world giving them food, offering them roof over their head and clothes to cover their emaciated bodies.

I have not found answer to this dilemma.

Perhaps the reason could be found from the manner in which million and billion amount of money is
spent on manufacturing arms and armaments great warships and fighter planes, bullets for guns and bombs one more powerful than the other when the money spent could have been used for feeding million and million hungry people all over the world giving them food, offering them roof over their head and clothes to cover their emaciated bodies.

Throes who build temples, churches and mosque say that they intend to saves the souls of people from perdition, even as those who spend on manufacturing arms and armaments, great warships and fighter planes, guns and bombs say they intend to save people embarking in war to end all future wars.

Whether in the East or in the West, people have not succeeded. People waste money on material objects or arms and armaments, splurging with gay abandon as they do in the west or waste  money spending on ostentatious sacrifices and elaborate rites and rituals as they do in the East.

Who is right and who is wrong no one knows not any one is keen to find. Each one assuming to wise find the other to be wrong.

That is the tragedy.

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