Friday 1 August 2014

God and the Man,

The scriptures say that God is all around us but we do not see him. God speaks to us but no listens. God touches every one but no one feels him. God breathes aroma around us but no one enjoys the fragrance. If one remains silent for a moment, becoming receptive to the tinkling sound of his anklets, reflects and meditates, then perhaps we may experience him whispering in our ears.

When man says, 'Speak to us, O Lord', then God speaks to him as the soothing breeze passing through the leaves, as the water streaming as the rivers, as bird singing in pleasing notes. Yet the man did not hear him speaking.

Therefore, when man says again, 'Speak to us, O Lord', then God speaks to him loud and clear as the thunder breaching the clouds asunder, as the winds bellowing across the meadows, as the stormy waves lashing the hapless shore, as the tiger letting the terrifying growl. Yet the man would not hear him speaking.

When man says again, 'Show us your face, O Lord',  God showed him as the Light that illumines the sky, as the smile that shines on the babe's lips, as the Ocean that is deep and spreads widely as Ocean.

Yet the man did not see the God. Therefore, in desperation when the man says, 'Touch me O Lord',  God stooped low and touched him as softly as the butterfly does when it touches the flower. Yet the man did not notice and walked away.

Scriptures say that God is always with us making his presence evident in small simple things but is not seen, therefore,  should be searched as one should search the lost cow by the foot prints it leaves behind, to be known by the actions performed in creation - "अकृत्स्नो हि स: ... तान्यस्यैतानि कर्मानामान्येव ।". But the God will not be accessed as one would expect him to be packaged and when what God grants as Divine dispensation and what the man would see and experience as miracle would surely come as luminous enlightenment, as the caterpillar realised, without being consciously aware, that it has become a butterfly.


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