Saturday 18 October 2014

A morsel of unsolicited advise.

What I read in detail, I pass it on to others in capsules.

One who understands as the years pass-by is the one who is wise in Wisdom.

Every soul should being simple, receptive and initiative like a child inquire in groups with open mind, being rational and reasonable respond in pairs with eagerness like an adult, understand and experience alone like an old man mature and wise in Wisdom.

Then there would be flame in the young ones and light in the old ones.

When one is child being simple desire should rule, when young with flame flashing reason should rule, when adult good sense with luminosity should rule and when old wisdom as serenity of the soul should rule. 

Then as one crosses sixty years in age, one will find less things that seem absurd. Whatever appeared beautiful as child, strong as young, mature as an adult will never be unhappy during rest of the life. One becomes old with less passion and more compassion. When they cross eighty years in age, they remain as young and resourceful as they were when forty years in age.

Remaining long in age is the only way by which one can become of old and wise in Wisdom. So live long doing what is to be done.


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