Friday 28 March 2014

Changing facets of Marriage vas as an institution.

Darwin used to tell us that we were monkeys before we became human beings. I have no reason to disbelieve his claim especially seeing many among the modern human beings reacting during social intercourse more like monkeys provoked by natural  instincts than like human beings directed by sense of discrimination.

In modern times, Internet has been a great source of information of the behaviour of monkeys in their natural surroundings. You-tube gives dramatic demonstration of their behaviour especially in sexual relationship. It seems that monkeys have no marriage as institution which restrains sex as decisive human behaviour, for monkeys  free-sex being commended as the goal of all ultimate Bliss.

We see from the You-tube that in the world of Apes, might is right  and bravado is better than hesitation. Them male species dominate sexual behaviour, the male bully shooing all the weak males to scatter far and beyond, even as the frightened female monkeys seek shelter in the safety of other females. Even as the male monkey approaches  one female monkey he sees another one, leaves the earlier one and follows the other. The case with humans the facts were not much otherwise. The modern male follows his ancient ancestor.

Though Eve was carved out of Adam's bone and even when he continues to listen her every word and follow her every instruction to the last bite of the Apple, Adam hated Eve because he was robbed of natural innocence with which he was born. Out of their union were born Cain and Abel but the four together did not end up being a Family because in their union they did neither seek divine sanction  nor spiritual evolution. There was neither a family or love between Adam and Eve nor Between Cain and Abel. Therefore, when Adam asked Cain where Abel is, the reply which Cain gave was - "Am I my brother's keeper?".

There is not much difference now in modern world from what was once in Garden of Eden. Marriage is no more a sacrement where the male and female are brought together nor is there of family ties that bind people together for evolution of the human race or furtherance of the human ideals. There is preponderance of human desire becoming transformed and strengthened by contractual arrangement for satisfaction of the senses. Therefore marriage as an institution has ceased to be relevant in the present world or accepted more as a tradition that necessity, divorces being frequent and Living in partnership being viable and convenient alternative, homo sexual relationship giving independence one needs. Fulfilling the contractual conditions is more important than fulfilling moral and ethical obligations. Being CORRECT is more important than being PROPER.

Men wise in Wisdom do not subscribe to these views. For them Marriage as an institution has relevance and Family being being the foundation on which lasting relationship can be nurtured, improved, strengthened and substantiated.

The marriage as institution in their different facets needs serious reconsideration.


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