Saturday 19 April 2014

Ashvatha as the symbol of Family

Family means big or small rivers becoming part and merging with Ocean and not standing apart from the Ocean as distinct big or small rivers, becoming part of  the consolidating community not becoming. distinct communes, assembling together not separating from others, thinking of others, accepting others than expecting from others, giving to others rather than taking from others, speaking to, communicating to and sharing with others, the joys as well as sorrows, exchanging good fortune with others as well as experiencing misfortunes of others.

Family, as traditionally understood and symbolised as the vast Ashvatha tree, with branches  well spread far and wide, each branch sourcing it's sustenance from the common root and the common trunk, is fast disintegrating, the branches considering themselves independent of the trunk or the roots. Few realise in their own life time that they exist as long as the sustenance sourced from the roots remains to make their life resurgent and once the sustence dries from the roots stops the branches become dry and die eventually. Those who realize this eternal truth live long.

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