Friday 28 March 2014

Rama crossing the river Sharayu

When Rama on being  banished to live in the forests for fourteen years, the entire population of Ayodhya mourned. And unable to bear the denial of his rightful claim to be the Prince who will one day be the king, he people rich and poor became ready to follow him to the forests.  Seeing the people following him and not return back to the live their normal life, Rama with the help of Guha, crossed over the river Sharayu in a boat unseen by the mourning men ajmd women.

Once he crossed over the river and. Reached the other shore, he made him mind to compensate the boats man for the effort taken by him. But he had nothing to offer to him. Therefore he looked at Sita to co offer the boatsmanwhat issue to him. But when Sita took one of  her golden bangles from her wrist to offer to the boatman, he refused to receive it.

Rama was surprised and was sorry to see such refusal. He asked the boatsman the reason for such refusal, when due compensation was his right and and is entitled to receive it. The boatsman was firm in his decision saying the people in the same profession do not accept compensation from others in the same profession.

Rama was perplexed with reply given by the boatsman and asked - Same Profession. How come does the boatsman consider both Rama born a Kshatriya and groomed to be a ruler could belong to the same profession as the boatsman born a Shudra and groomed to ferry the boat as belonging to the same profession!

The boatsman who was clear in his mind and firm in his conviction replied that both Rama and he ferry people from one shore to the other, the difference being that Rama ferries people from

the shore of संसार सागर - the Ocean of Primordial Life

while he ferries people from one. Shore to the other shore of the temporal world. The difference is one of the Essence not of the Form. Therefore, if compensation is to be paid for the effort of the boatsman in ferrying Rama from one shore to the other shore of the temporal river then Rama should ferry the boatsman from the shore of this संसार सागर - the Ocean of Primordial Life to the other shore of the spiritual life.

Rama was stupefied by boatsman's reply and the intense devotion behind the life he was leading.

It is for the people to become consciously aware of the life they live and the spiritual life they aspire to achieve.


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