Knowing That One every thing becomes known.
When sage Aruni saw his son Svetaketu, approaching proudly from Gurukula as one well informed of the scriptural prescriptions and prohibitions and Knowlegeable of the recommended rites and rituals, He asked him whether his Teacher has taught him the Wisdom about
That One, knowing which the unpercieved becomes perceived, the unheard becomes heard, the unknowable becomes known?
Svetaketu becomes perplexed by the question asked and curious to know That One, knowing which the unpercieved becomes perceived, the unheard becomes heard, the unknowable becomes known.
This is the fundamental reason for every inquiry and the intended purpose for all penances. To know the end one should seek the beginning. To know the vastness of the Ocean, one should take a dip in the source of the river. The end is seen, the Ocean is perceived, the beginning is unseen, the source of the river is mysterious. Therefore, the seers seek the source in the caves of the mountains or in the caveswithin their heart. When the source of the river is seen within the bowels of the mountains, or when the source of the energy becomes revealed in the cave within their heart then the vast ocean and the mysterious source of energy becomes known.
The Ocean is like the Supreme Being, all-enveloping and all-pervading, the rivers having entered the Ocean and becoming one as it were. Therefore, Isha Upanishad says that even like the Supreme Being which remains Complete even when it manifests as the creation, which is Complete in itself, the Ocean remains as one which Complete entirety, even when rivers enter or water becomes evaporated as rains, to flow as rivers again. Consequently one who sees all the rivers as one with the Ocean or the Ocean becoming the rivers when the waters of the Ocean become evaporated and flow as rivers, is not revised with one river or the other or one who knows the Ocean as the congregation of all the rivers, then neither delusion nor sorrow envelops him.
Sun h one is the Man of Wisdom who having known That One, for whom the unheard becomes heard, the unpercieved becomes perceived, the unknowable becomes known. Then he listens to every sound and knows that soundless Sound -AUM, perceives That One, the Supreme Being in every form created, knows the divine essence within every form in Creation. He becomes the Brahman, as it were, but knot Brahman, the Supreme Being, even as the rivers become the. Ocean, as it were, but not the Ocean.
That is the meaning of Aruni's clarification given to Svetaketu.
When sage Aruni saw his son Svetaketu, approaching proudly from Gurukula as one well informed of the scriptural prescriptions and prohibitions and Knowlegeable of the recommended rites and rituals, He asked him whether his Teacher has taught him the Wisdom about
That One, knowing which the unpercieved becomes perceived, the unheard becomes heard, the unknowable becomes known?
Svetaketu becomes perplexed by the question asked and curious to know That One, knowing which the unpercieved becomes perceived, the unheard becomes heard, the unknowable becomes known.
This is the fundamental reason for every inquiry and the intended purpose for all penances. To know the end one should seek the beginning. To know the vastness of the Ocean, one should take a dip in the source of the river. The end is seen, the Ocean is perceived, the beginning is unseen, the source of the river is mysterious. Therefore, the seers seek the source in the caves of the mountains or in the caveswithin their heart. When the source of the river is seen within the bowels of the mountains, or when the source of the energy becomes revealed in the cave within their heart then the vast ocean and the mysterious source of energy becomes known.
The Ocean is like the Supreme Being, all-enveloping and all-pervading, the rivers having entered the Ocean and becoming one as it were. Therefore, Isha Upanishad says that even like the Supreme Being which remains Complete even when it manifests as the creation, which is Complete in itself, the Ocean remains as one which Complete entirety, even when rivers enter or water becomes evaporated as rains, to flow as rivers again. Consequently one who sees all the rivers as one with the Ocean or the Ocean becoming the rivers when the waters of the Ocean become evaporated and flow as rivers, is not revised with one river or the other or one who knows the Ocean as the congregation of all the rivers, then neither delusion nor sorrow envelops him.
Sun h one is the Man of Wisdom who having known That One, for whom the unheard becomes heard, the unpercieved becomes perceived, the unknowable becomes known. Then he listens to every sound and knows that soundless Sound -AUM, perceives That One, the Supreme Being in every form created, knows the divine essence within every form in Creation. He becomes the Brahman, as it were, but knot Brahman, the Supreme Being, even as the rivers become the. Ocean, as it were, but not the Ocean.
That is the meaning of Aruni's clarification given to Svetaketu.
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