Thursday, 2 January 2014

In Upanishad we find many queries being asked and replied. Assuming that a gross form is absolute necessity for the subtle essence to become resurgent, a seeker inquires about the mystery of birth of subtle animate  life in otherwise a gross inanimate form. Observing superficially a plant becoming resurgent even from a dry stump of a tree broken in pieces, the seeker inquires how does new life becomes evolved from the dead tree.

The man of wisdom replies that one should not say from semen, because from dead source no life can come to be, thereby suggesting that the semen provides merely the lifeless gross form and not the resurgent life, which the Supreme Being alone instils in the gross form according to the good or bad actions performed while it was present in the previous gross form.

Therefore it becomes clear that the human or non-human beings have the power and capacity to create a form but the power and capacity to instil the resurgent life in that form. Since the life cannot be active without a form available to dwell, it is incumbent on beings to provide the form for the wayward life that seeks a form to dwell in. Therefore it is necessary for beings to safeguard the form for the life to dwell in; and if no such form is made available or if the form comes to be destroyed even before it is made available, then the one who destroys the form becomes the Accused in the eyes of the wayward life, cursing the penetrator of such helnius crime.

Therefore, men wise in Wisdom look with disfavour those who abort the womb before it becomes fit for a life to inhabit. Every life needs a form to evolve itself spiritually and any interference in this natural process in crime against nature's law and therefore considered evil, immoral thing to do, deserving harshest punishment.


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