Thursday 23 August 2012

What goal have I set for myself?

I have observed from dictionaries that sa%ya is a word derived from the root Asa\ - to be, to exist and scriptures declare that ! is the eternal unmanifest sound, Anaaht Qvaina, therefore the Prime Existence, unmanifest and undifferentiated, eternal (ina%yama\), unperceivable (Ad`oSyama\), all pervading (ivaBauma\), all-comprehensive (sava-gatma\), exceedingly subtle (sausaUxmama\), un-decaying (Avyayama\), without beginning (Anaaid) and without end (Anantma\) entirety of Wisdom (iva&anaGanama\). Therefore, to make one self known he with his own power became manifest and differentiated as naama (essence) and innumerable $p (forms) - "$pM $pM p`it$pao baBaUva tdsya $pM p`itcaxNaaya | [nd`ao maayaaiBa: puru$p [-yato |".

sa%ya , the Prime Existence\) being without beginning (Anaaid) and without end (Anantma\), eternal (ina%yama\), un-decaying (Avyayama\), remains same as it was without change or modifications. Therefore, the sensitive Seers being conscious that since speech along with mind return not attaining that experience - "yatao vaacaao inavat-nto Ap`aPya manasaa sah |", sa%ya, the Prime Existence being "AanandM ba`*maNaao ivaWana\" the supra-sensory experiences can never be spoken, expressed, conveyed, communicated fully and in entirety. Therefore their expression of their experiences were according to attributes (gauNa) and inclination (svaBaava), according to their inherent capacity to imagine, conceptualize and crysrtellize their experience in signs and symbols, language and legends, which they and the ones for the sake of whom they were expressed in the places of residence

and periods in Time. Therefore, even though the experiences of Satya, the Prime Existence was One immaculate and divine luminosity was same and singular one finds the seers fashioning (and Acharyas explaining) variously – "ekM sad\ ivap`a bahuQaa vadintM | " or "saupNa-: ivap`a: kvayaao vacaaoiBar\ ekM santM bahuQaaklpyaint |" in expressions that were distinct and diverse, some rich, profound, mystical and spiritual thoughts as well as simple, subtle, melodious, lucid yet rich in poetical imagery and expression. As a result, there were no reasonable grounds to accept the exressions of the one and reject the expressions of the others. In fact in spite of Katha Upanishad’s unequivocal declaration in later times - "na saMdRSao itYzit rUpmasya na caxauYaa pSyit kScanaOnama\ | )da manaIYaa manasaa|iBa@;Ptao ya etiWdurmaRtasto Bavaint ||" and "naayamaa%maa p`vacanaona laByaao na maoQayaa na bahunaa Eautona | yamaovaOYa vaRNauto tona laByastsyaOYa Aa%maa ivavaRNauto tnaUM syaama ||" the seers themselves unequivocally encouraged the seekers not to close their eyes and ears but to keep their heart pure and mind clear and be receptive to the expressions, though coming from all sides, of different people, places and periods and regions, people – "Aa naao Bada k`tvaao yantu ivaSvat: |" so that from what was heard as the eternal unspoken sound, Anaaht Qvaina will reverberate in silence, unknown and unrealized as "some thing which is real and yet waiting to be realized, something which is remote possibility and yet greatest of the facts, something that gives meaning to all that passes and yet eludes apprehension; something whose possession is the final good and yet beyondall reachl something that is the ultimate idea and the hopeless quest" (A.N.Whitehead in Sceince and the Modern World). Zen Buddhism says : "The Tao is something blurred and indistinct. How indistinct ! How blurred ! Yet withn it are images . . . things . . . mental power. Because this power is the most true within it there is confidence".

The attempts were successful partly, the Path to Perfection being shap as the edge of a sword and hard to tread and difficult to transcend "xaursya Qaara inaiSata dur%yayaa duga-M pqast%kvayaao vadint ||" but not fully in provoking, shaking, awakening the slumbering or dead consciousness to be proactive, to be receptive to know, to imagine, conceptualize according to each one’s individual temperament and personality.

It is my purpose, intension and desire not to become petrified by the personality of the seers or the intellectual commentators or accept on their face value the words, symbols, suggestions used by them, but to respond to unravel the meaning concealed in the words according to my attributes and inclinations, receptivity, character and personality, the resonance of the essence intended to be communicated and conveyed. In doing so I have never hesitated nor denied myself the liberty to express my own responses, for fear of being in error or misunderstood. Because though they may not fully or adequately reflect the experiences and expressions of the seers they would certainly reflect the knowledge which I have gathered from various sources or from my own experiences, being satisfied even if a glimpse the luminous light of their experience would illumine my own Path to Perfection.

Philosophy for me is being in love with sa%ya, the Prime Existence and my expressions are responses of one fascinated by the colors and contours of the manifest and differentiated forms in creation. Therefore, should any of my responses seem unreasonable and unacceptable then that very fact would prompt them to reveal their own response, clear and better than what I have been able to express. That would serve not only my purpose but having placed them on proper direction on the Path to Perfection. Epictetus, the great Greek Philosopher said, "What disturbs people’s mind is the event but their judgment on the events". My purpose is not to disturb the event but to disturb their judgment on the events. I myself have tried to stop seeing the sky through the window, because then I see as much of the sky as the view from windows allows. I myself have tried to open the closed doors and coming out in the open see the vast expanse of the sky. My purpose is not to show them the sky through the window but opening the closed doors bringing them in the open to show the vast expanse of the sky. I myself have tried to open the closed doors and coming out in the open to see the vast expanse of the sky. If that happens and I see no reason why it should not happen, what more would there be to be done in addition?

Mumbai                                                             Nagesh D Sonde

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